The Onset Of Sex


I remember discussing with an acquaintance of mine about my previous blog which spoke about the reason behind sexual attraction (read here: ) and somehow I kept building on my own theory while I was over the phone call. My theory had clearly stated on their being a part played by the chemistry and by "chemistry", here I mean that part of the other individual that is unknown to us and that we cannot comprehend yet or that part of the other that is dissimilar between the two.

So, it would not be wrong to say that the reason behind sexual attraction is more than just sex. It's not just about the body but also about the mind and the preferences that we think the other person might have. Now let's take an example, imagine you see a girl/boy perfectly in shape and having an extremely attractive body but wearing something that one would call a "fashion disaster" or maybe when she opens her mouth he/she says something that sounds really stupid. Would you want to get laid with such a person? Not really, right? 

Sexual attraction can even happen for somebody you look accross the road but as we all humans are hard wired to do, we judge the person on the basis of factors such as glance, body language, gestures, kind of clothes and various other factors as well to feel attracted. These factors are more like criterias that is set by your brain which has to be met by the person to enter your environment. But yet you must be wanting to know more, this creates chemistry. This influences your attraction. Therefore, the reason behind the urge for sex is more than just sex. 

But when it comes to sex or love making finally, our minds are focusing on anything more than just making it more and more pleasurable till the orgasm? Well, my conclusion says no. Even though the reason behind it might be affected by various factors but when it comes to the stage of the intercourse, it's all about the act itself and the pleasure satisfaction. Let me know in the comments down below if you think otherwise or your theory bout it or feel free to reach me out at


  1. There is lot more of chemistry in foreplay that in direct slam-bang-thank-you-mam acts. The later had a totally different chemistry at work.


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